End of Lease Cleaning East Melbourne – Bond Back Cleaning Services

When You Vacate You Need Professional Bond Cleaning in East Melbourne

You’ve signed the papers, packed the essentials, de-cluttered the garage and hired the movers. Now what? Before moving out, performing deep end of lease cleaning is beneficial for both, landlord and tenants – especially when the security deposit is on the stack. However, it is easy to neglect the move out cleaning. After all, you have more important things to be worried about – like packing and shifting to a new home!

End Of Lease Cleaning East Melbourne

Melbourne Central Cleaning offers flexible move out cleaning in East Melbourne to ease the transition to your new home. Regardless, if you need the entire property cleaned or just a few items on your end of lease cleaning checklist, we can help. We make sure that your apartment or rental home is in a like-new condition.

Our highly experienced end of lease cleaners uses the latest equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products, to clean your apartment faster and better than our competitors. We are committed not only to provide end of lease cleaning in East Melbourne that is up to our high industry standards, but also that meet your needs. We are well aware of the standard of end of lease cleaning by landlords and real estate agents. So, when it comes to providing the best bond cleaning in East Melbourne for your entire property, you always know that you are getting it.

We understand that your bond is at stake. Thus, our fully equipped team of the end of lease cleaners is specially trained to make your rented property spotlessly clean.

Our Bond Cleaners are

  • Highly qualified and experienced
  • Police checked and verified
  • Comprehensively insured
  • Punctual, friendly and conscientious
  • Trained to operate the latest industry-powered cleaning equipment

Our End of Lease Cleaning East Melbourne Service Comprises

  • Cobwebs removal
  • Vacuuming and mopping floors thoroughly
  • Polishing and sanitizing kitchen sink and appliances
  • Oven deep cleaning, inside-out
  • Dusting and Polishing kitchen benchtops, glass tops, furniture shelves, railings, windows, mirrors, picture frames, etc.
  • Deep cleaning of bathroom and toilets which includes disinfecting fittings, fixtures, showers, sink, toilet, bath, and under-sink cabinet.

The Service You Expect – The Quality You Deserve

We offer our years of experience, dedication and efficient move out cleaning in East Melbourne to a wide range of valuable clients. Being locally owned and operated company; we make sure that you will always receive professional assistance from us, without any delay.

We, at Melbourne Central Cleaning, strive hard to provide quality end of lease cleaning in East Melbourne at the most affordable price for our each and every client. We always ensure that we never compromise with the quality of our service. Over the years, we have built an enviable reputation by providing our clients with the best value for money through comprehensive bond cleaning in East Melbourne, excellent cleaning products and high-tech equipment.

Get An Obligation Free Price Quote!

Call the professional cleaning crew at Melbourne Central Cleaning now at 0414 626 876 to book your move out cleaning service in East Melbourne and nearby suburbs including Richmond end of lease cleaning and end of lease cleaning in Kew.