End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

At Melbourne Central Cleaning each and every one of your cleaning needs is well taken care of by our cleaners across Melbourne. Our list of cleaning services also includes the end of lease cleaning Melbourne. We are well aware that when you want to receive your bond in full, end of lease cleaners plays an essential role.  We have the skills, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that your end of lease cleaning is delivered in accordance with the expectations and standards required of vacating tenants. When you choose us for your end of lease cleaning, our team will make sure that when we finish, each and every part of your property is thoroughly cleaned and sparkling, so that your property will pass inspection by your real estate agency or landlord and that your bond money will be refunded to you without delay.

Regardless of whether you or your landlord is ending the lease, there is a thorough cleaning check-list that is normally required to be fulfilled before you move out of the residence. If you are in search of a professional and reliable End of Lease Cleaning company, then who would be better than Melbourne Central Cleaning as we are a prominent service provider of a wide range of cleaning services in Melbourne. We are there to help you with your residential or commercial cleaning services. We will make it as easy and hassle-free as possible, taking on the responsibility of ensuring that the property is ready for the next tenant and that it is left in a clean state, which in turn, will enable your property to pass inspection and for you to receive your bond back without delay.

Move Out Cleaning Services

At Melbourne Central Cleaning, we take great pride in our ability to cover both residential and commercial End of Lease Cleaning services in Melbourne. Our expert and skilled house & office cleaners can thoroughly clean and sanitize even the smallest space of your house or office and provide the highest quality cleaning service along that will guarantee utmost satisfaction. We utilize only the best cleaning products for all types of surfaces so that you will be greeted with a clean and fresh-smelling property after we finish the work. We are committed to provided immaculate cleaning services each and every time you book with us. To know more about our end of lease cleaning service, feel free to get in touch with us today!

Our services are not limited by any means; we provide end of lease cleaning Melbourne services for commercial as well as residential premises.

Our company was established in the year 1997 and since then we have been providing various types of cleaning services to many types of different clients all over Melbourne. We pride ourselves on having a team of highly dedicated and hardworking individuals; we are qualified and trained individuals who have an eye for detail and are very serious about the work that we do. We completely understand that the demands of every client are unique and therefore, we easily adjust and adapt to various working conditions to suit the needs and demands of every client. When it comes to cleaning, our team does not take the easy way out i.e. every area of your premises is cleaned, be it the kitchen or the bathroom. All the necessary steps are taken to ensure that your premises are absolutely and totally clean and free of any dirt. We do not take any shortcuts!

With our expert cleaning team on your side, you can be sure that you are going to get a full bond refund and that you will also leave a good and long lasting impression on your landlord. To find out more about our services or to get a free quote you can give us a call or fill the form. Our services include upholstery or couch, rug, carpet cleaning & window cleaning

Bond Back Cleaning Melbourne


Having a clean, hygienic and healthy place to live and work is a primary need. If you require a clean and hygienic home or office, then you should rely on an expert and reliable cleaning service provider, and who will be better than Melbourne Central Cleaning. We have a key position in the market because we can provide an extensive range of high-quality cleaning services. Our bond cleaners are trained, highly experienced & determined to provide residential as well as commercial cleaning services including vacating cleaning, bond cleaning, end of lease cleaning, and move out cleaning requirements in Melbourne.

Have you decided to move to another house with your family? Do you know what this entails? It means you should think about booking in Bond Cleaning because after leaving a rental property, the first and most essential thing is to recover the bond money. If you want to recover your bond effectively, then you need to choose expert bond cleaners who can assist in cleaning your property to the standard required of vacating tenants. Melbourne Central Cleaning would be the most reliable cleaning company as we provide a “bond guarantee” conditions apply and have been delivering excellent quality Bond Cleaning services throughout Melbourne for the last 20 years.

Being one of the renowned service providers, Melbourne Central Cleaning has been actively dedicated to providing efficient and reliable Bond Cleaning services to our valued client throughout Melbourne. Our service is executed by our dexterous team of professional cleaners who deliver high-quality services with 100% guaranteed results. With our bond cleaning services, we ensure cleanliness and perfection at every step! Moreover, our services can be obtained at affordable prices within the market. Thus, to book our bond cleaning services & have our bond cleaners get your 100% bond back, please feel free to contact us today!

Vacate Cleaning Services

Melbourne Central cleaning is your local cleaning services expert in Melbourne. We have a huge variety of services available to our customers and of these services is vacate cleaning Melbourne. We at Melbourne Central Cleaning understand that moving is a huge and daunting task; you have a whole lot of packing and work to do. In the midst of all this, it is important to remember that you have to get your security bond back and for that, you need professional vacate cleaning services and what better way than to choose our vacate cleaners.

We have a team that is carefully trained to carry out this work. When we are at work you can be sure that you have found the perfect team of individuals who will provide you with a service that you will absolutely love. We are experts in providing a prompt and effective service every single time that we are employed. We make it a point to clean every area of the property, including the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, walls, skirting boards, windows, blinds, balcony, light fittings, garage etc. Thus we make sure that your premises are absolutely spic and span. With us as your aid, you can be sure that you are not going to lose your bond money.

So you have packed all your belongings and you are almost ready to make the move from your rental property? You have managed to book in the removalist company and now you need to secure an office or house cleaning service provider to conduct your Vacate Cleaning. In this scenario, you can rely on Melbourne Central Cleaning, since our establishment in 1997, we have been actively engaged in delivering excellent quality Vacate Cleaning throughout Melbourne.

At Melbourne Central Cleaning, we have been successful in forming a team that consists of skilled and expert individuals who aim at customer satisfaction every single time they are employed by our valued clients. We have provided our team with the best and latest tools and equipment so that they are able to carry out their work in the most proficient manner. Our professionals do the job properly and thoroughly. We make sure that the no matter if it is a house or commercial cleaning it is delivered to a standard that will exceed your expectations. Thus, when you choose us for your Vacate Cleaning requirements, you can rest assured that you have chosen the perfect and reliable organization that would be best suitable for your cleaning requirements. Our services include carpet steam cleaningwindow cleaning and much more.

Move Out Cleaning Melbourne – We Stay Until You’re Satisfied‎


Are you looking for a move out cleaning services Melbourne; well look no further because you have found the perfect match in us. Melbourne central cleaning, move out cleaners are the specialist in providing move out cleaning Melbourne. We as a company aim towards providing our clients a premium quality of service that will help them to achieve a 100% of their bond back. We have a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable cleaners who have been in this industry for a long time and are very adaptable to various situations. Our motto is “knowledge through experience.” We completely understand that all premises have a specific set of requirements that need to be taken care in a very systematic manner.

Moving to a new home can be very stressful and hectic for every member of the family. There are so many things to do when you move out it can be overwhelming. You need to sort through belongings and pack boxes, and of course, many cleaning tasks must be completed. It is important to choose our expert move out cleaners who offer trustworthy Move Out Cleaning services in Melbourne. This will reduce the stress of moving out as you can trust Melbourne Central Cleaning to take care of cleaning your old home, while you get on with the unpacking in your new home. We aim to provide our clients with a premium quality service that will enable them to obtain their bond back*conditions apply. Whether you need a residential or commercial cleaning, we are dedicated to providing nothing but the highest quality Move Out Cleaning services you expect and deserve!

At Melbourne Central Cleaning, we have a team of expert and skilled cleaners who are exceptionally hard working and committed to our work. We are aware of what we need to do and possess the knowledge and experience to clean and restore any property. We are knowledgeable professionals and have years of expertise in the field of Move Out Cleaning and can complete any cleaning tasks in the most proficient manner. Thus, we ensure you that when you choose us for your move out cleaning, you will be provided with a service that you will absolutely admire and love!

Thus, we are ready and able to assist you with all your cleaning needs including bond cleaning, carpet steam cleaning & window cleaning in only the most proficient manner. Then, what are you waiting for?

Feel free to call us on 1300 85 50 88 / 0414 626 876 today for an obligation free quote!


Why Do You Need End Of The Lease Cleaning?
When it comes to the end of the lease cleaning, as a tenant, you’re sure to leave the property in pristine condition. If you don’t make the cleaning properly, you will lose your security deposit. At Melbourne Central Cleaning, we have been delivering exceptional end of the lease cleaning services in Melbourne and its surrounding areas. Our end of the lease cleaners will take care of your end of the lease cleaning needs, and ensure you get your bond back.
Is Professional Bond Of The Cleaning Required?
Yes. At Melbourne Central Cleaning, we work according to your landlord’s cleaning checklist and ensure that you will get your bond quickly. We provide a 100% bond back guarantee for your rental property. So, you can move to your new home without worries.
How Long Does Bond Cleaning Take?
Generally, Bond Cleaning takes about 3-7 hours, we also guarantee that you will get your bond back from the landlord. However, it also depends on the size of the property, and the extent of the mess that your house has.
Do Vacate Cleaning Include Oven Cleaning?
Yes. When it comes to vacate cleaning, we clean everything including laundry, and kitchen appliances, and clean all the areas of your house. At Melbourne Central Cleaning, we follow the vacate cleaning checklist for cleaning, and upon any special requests, our vacate cleaners make sure that they meet your cleaning requirements with meticulous attention.
Is Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Included In Move-Out Cleaning?
Yes. We provide carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning services to our customers, and it is included in our move-out cleaning.
Do You Offer Vacate Cleaning For Furnished Properties?
Yes. We offer our vacate cleaning for furnished properties too. But, we recommend that you to hire our service one week before you move out. Since it’ll take a long time to clean the furnished property than a normal one, we suggest you take up the cleaning schedule as early as possible.