Insightful House Cleaning Guide After Renovation

People renovate their houses for various reasons. Some renovate because they want a new look after living in the same house or apartment for a long time. Others because they want to enhance the looks and go with what is trending in the market and others because they want to make their homes more comfortable and functional to their individual after renovation cleaning Melbourne needs.

However, as the exciting and interesting renovation is; it does leave behind a huge mess and pile of trash which you need to take care of immediately before finally settling down. The dirt is not only unappealing; it is also harmful to your health and your pets. So, you can hire a professional company to meet all your house cleaning Melbourne needs after renovating your place.

Below are a Few Guides to Help You Clean Up After Renovating:

Sweep and Vacuum all the Surfaces

Start by wiping down all window interiors, including sills and frames. When you are done, dust all ducts, grates, vents, blinds, ceiling fans. Also, do not forget the walls and ceiling. Ensure that all the surfaces that could easily be overlooked are dusted.

Clean the Carpets and Cushioned Furniture

Although you had all your furniture and carpet covered before the renovations started, somehow dust still finds its way and creeps in. So before putting them back in place, vacuum the soft furniture and the carpets to get rid of the entrapped dust.

Sweep, Mop, and Disinfect the Floors

After sweeping and collecting the dust, it’s now time to mop and disinfect all the floors, including the bathroom floors. Moping gets rid of the dirt that cannot be swept off while sanitizing ensures the floors remain germs free.

Clean all Hardware

These include the hinges and handles, clean inside and outside of shelves and cabinets. Include the closets as well. A lot of dust collects in these surfaces, and they can easily be overlooked.

Get Rid of the Trash and Debris Left Behind

Finally, put all the trash in trash bags and dump them in the correct trash bin.

It’s not always easy with these cleaning. Contact Melbourne Central Cleaning professional end of lease cleaning Melbourne & builders cleaning Melbourne to take care of it. After we are done, you can enjoy your new and sparkling home.