Office Cleaning for Healthier Employees and Happier Clients

Working in a clean, healthy environment can have a major impact on how people behave in the workplace. While your employees might be more concerned about the pay, holidays and allowances, one of the major issues affecting their overall performance is the office environment in which they work. Recently, a researcher at Harvard University also stated the same, ‘improved air quality improves productivity’.

A clean workspace benefits your customer service too when they visit your office. This develops your customer’s confidence in you when entering your business and encourages them to work with you. A clean office space adds more value to you by new showcasing your professionalism. You can hire a professional office cleaning Melbourne company to keep your employee’s health and to keep your clients happy.

Just because your office appears to be clean, doesn’t mean that there is nothing atrocious in it. Still, have a doubt why office cleaning is more important for both of your employees and clients? Then let me shoot out some interesting stats below about cleanliness in the workspace for better understanding on the significance of office cleaning.

Keyboards, computer mouses, monitors, phones and furniture (Chairs and tables) which are the major components in the workspace not only for the employees to work but also serves as a living area for developing more than 20,000 germs per square inch.

On average, an officer’s work desk contributes for 10 million bacteria growth which accounts to be 100 times in a kitchen sink and 400 times in a toilet seat. Daily sanitising reduces the increase in surface bacteria by 30 percent.

Men’s workspaces are 20 percent dirtier than the women’s workspace. So, employers employing more men in their work should concentrate more on office cleaning.

The air quality in a closed office space is worse than the open space. As discussed earlier in this article, the improved air quality improves the productivity and performance of the employees.

75 percent of the contagious diseases can easily spread in washroom sinks, water cooler buttons, refrigerator handles and water fountains, etc, in the office.

Thinking about never touching anything in the office again, that is practically not feasible my dear friends. Then, what could the solution for preventing the above issues arising in office space? The best way to be free from diseases in the office is to get a quality commercial cleaning Melbourne service providers in your suburbs for office cleaning for healthier employers and happier clients.

The bottom line is that you want people, both employees and clients to feel good about your workspace and a professional office cleaning service provider helps you to do that. Keeping the workspace clean by hiring a quality cleaning service provider is the best idea if you don’t manage or not ready to invest in an in-house cleaning service team which increases your investment cost and work burden.

If your work environment is untidy, your clients might assume you are careless about what you do. Whether seeking to attract new clients or retaining the existing clients, cleanliness of your office space can give you an advantage and no frustrations or bad days for your employees. Hire a professional office cleaners Melbourne from Melbourne Central Cleaning who meets all your office cleaning needs!